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Terms & Conditions UK

Please read these terms and conditions carefully.

By creating a wingpay account and agreeing to “cash out” an item you agree to being bound by these terms and conditions.

About us

wingpay is a trading name of Wing Group Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with the following details:

Company Number: 15379476

VAT Number: 457 2420 95

Registered Office:
69 Wilson Street
EC2A 2BB We operate using the trade names “Wingpay” & “Wing Group”

  1. Definitions

    1. App:the ingpay mobile application.
    2. Payment Card:An active debit or credit card in your name with a third party bank or financial institution, which you provide us with details of, when selling us the Products.
    3. Contract Summary:the summary sent to you by us via email, summarising the details of the Product, the Price and our key assumptions made in offering the Price to you.
    4. E-money Account:your e-money account which is provided by our appointed service provider (if applicable).
    5. Price:the price for the Products as set out in the Contract Summary.
    6. Items: the goods (or any part of them) being sold by you and purchased by us as set out in more detail in the Contract Summary.
    7. Us: means Wing Group Ltd.
    8. You: means you, the seller of the Product and account holder with us, whose details are set out in the Contract Summary.
    9. Cashout: The agreement to transfer ownership of an item from you to us.
    10. Broker: The business that is buying your item. This may be Wing Group or one of our partners.
  2. Our contract with you

    1. In order to use the Wingpay service, and sell Products to us, you must first create a Wingpay account.
    2. By creating a Wingpay account you confirm you are:
      • A resident within the country of application
      • Accessing our platform from within the country of application
      • Legally capable of entering in to a binding contract
      • At least 18 years old or have obtained consent from your parent or guardian to cashout the item for the sum indicated via our app and/or website
      • Do not already have another Wingpay account within your application country
    3. You are responsible for keeping your personal details on your Wingpay account up to date. You can update these at any time via the App
    4. Our contract of purchase is formed with you, which incorporates these Terms, when you click "Confirm Sale". Thereafter, these Terms will apply to our relationship with you.
    5. You grant us a non-exclusive, unconditional, worldwide, irrevocable, perpetual, and royalty free licence to use, copy, publish, reproduce, distribute to third parties, adapt, reformat, modify, translate, licence (Including sub licence), assign, transfer and exploit any content, including without limitation images, photographs, sounds, text or information that you provide to us in connection with the operation of our business.
  3. Valuing, Cashing Out and Selling items to us

    1. Adding an item and getting a valuation:
      • On completing the uploading of each item, you will be provided with a quote. The upload details must be completed accurately and you must update us if any information changes. If the upload information is not accurate you may not receive the full quoted price.

        We may indicate who the Broker may be for each cashout. This is indicative and we reserve the right to change the broker at our sole discretion at any time after the cashout is complete.

    2. Before cashing out any item, all items must:
      • Be owned by you
      • Be complete and match the description given of the item
      • Have any PIN lock, ‘Activation Lock’, iCloud Lock and any other password deactivated and removed prior to shipping - if any lock is enabled, we won’t be able to test the item as we will be unable to access any of the functions and the item will be deemed inoperable. Therefore, we will only be able to offer you 5% of the value.
      • Not be heavily damaged to the point of having no potential reuse value
      • Not have any illegal third party softwares or trademark infringements
      • Be in its original manufactured condition (i.e. no replacement and/or non genuine manufacturer parts)
      • Full details of our grading definitions can be found here.
    3. Your payment option:
      • The proceeds of the sale will be credited post receipt and evaluation of the item to your bank account or E-money Account.
      • You must send the Product within seven (7) days of clicking “Confirm Sale”.
      • If the item is received after the seven (7) day period the item will be subject to being revalued to the live Wingpay valuation
    4. Once we have sent you our confirmation of our acceptance of your offer to buy your Product from you, we will be deemed to have bought the Product from you. That means that we own the Product and title in the Product will pass to us immediately. We will then pay the Price to you in accordance with these Terms. Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure we receive the item(s). If we do not receive the item we withhold the right to cancel the purchase.
    5. You will then have to deliver the Product to our designated address within 7 days of agreeing the sale.
  4. Data Risks and Precautions

    1. You are responsible for canceling any contract and/or subscriptions linked to each item. Please ensure any SIM, eSim, data cards and personal information have been removed prior to sending us your item. Any SIM, eSim, data cards and personal information received by us will be securely destroyed on receipt however we accept no liability for any charges which may be incurred if any item is sent to us with these still accessible. You will be responsible for all such charges.
    2. We offer data removal certification where supported and technically possible we accept no responsibility in relation to the confidentiality, protection, security or use of any data remaining on the item when sent to us and it is your responsibility to ensure any such data is removed prior to sending to us. This includes any form of personal details, SMS, photos, games, songs or other data. Please note it may not be possible to remove data from your non-functional item (faulty). If you send us a non-functional item you are therefore accepting that data may be accessible to any person who repairs the item. This may include any third party that the item is forwarded to for spare parts/harvesting and/or disposal.
    3. Our Privacy Policy provides full details of the type of personal data we collect, how and why we process and store it and your rights related to your personal data. This is easily accessible via the Wing Group website.
  5. Pricing & Item Inspection

    1. All pricing offered on our platforms is subject to change at any time without notice and is inclusive of any VAT and other taxes which may be applicable.
    2. All pricing will be guaranteed for 7 days from the order placed date. This is the date we send you the confirmation email and shipping details for your order. If your item is received after this period then current platform price will apply. To avoid disappointment, we will remind you during the 7-day guarantee period.
    3. All items will be subject to functionality, cosmetic and authenticity reviews.
    4. Each item will be inspected to the criteria in which the item was evaluated and cashed out. Where possible this evaluation will take place using 3rd party verification tools.
    5. Where applicable items must be available to use with mobile network operators. Any items unable to be verified on network operators within the country of sale will be valued as faulty.
    6. If your item does not match your order criteria due to grading or functionality we will contact you with a revised offer. Revised offers will automatically be processed and unavailable for return if we do not receive feedback within 72 hours.
    7. All items must be deregistered from any associated accounts. We will contact you to request removal of any associated accounts so we can process the item. If we receive an item with the ‘Passwords or Account Locks’ still activated and you do not respond within 72 hours, starting on the day we email you the ‘Password and Account Lock’ notification, we will revise the price to 5% of the original offer value. You can choose to accept the revised value or decline it. If you decline the revised value and want the item returned this will be at a charge of 20 £/$/€. If this isn’t paid within 72 hours the item will be processed and unavailable for return.
    8. Any items will be returned free of charge to the registered account address if you reject any revised valuations. If your appraisal of the item is deemed to be intentionally misleading then a return charge of 20 £/$/€ will be applied
    9. Please note that all items are automatically stripped of any boxes/packaging and any other items which were not part of the valuation process upon receipt due to the volume we process, therefore we will be unable to return these.
    10. All items (where applicable) are subject to a quality assurance fee, for which items are reviewed by Wing Group and/or a designated partner to ensure this task is performed with reasonable skill and care and will act with professional diligence in the form of a visual and/or functional inspection using appropriately trained personnel. We will examine, based on objective criteria including their brand knowledge and the information at their disposal that the inspection has been completed fairly and accurately. We have the final decision regarding all appraisals and valuations and withhold the right to reject the purchase of any items we are unable to validate during the inspection process. .
  6. Lost and Stolen Items

    1. All items where possible are checked via databases to confirm the item is not associated to any level of loss, theft or insurance claim and has no outstanding claim of ownership by a third party. If an item is found to have a record that indicates it has been lost or stolen or we become aware of any other issue relating to its ownership, we will notify you by email and quarantine the item for a period of 28 days. Payment for the item will be withheld unless the database record is updated and does not show the item as stolen or lost within this 28 day period.
    2. If your item has a result of an adverse history (eg. lost, stolen, etc) we will deem this as a red flag and you will be required to contact the relevant parties to prove that you are the rightful owner of the item and have the lost or stolen records associated with it cleared within the quarantine period and/or resolve any other issue relating to its ownership. If, during the quarantine period the red flag is removed, your item will be processed and paid for as normal. However, if after the quarantine period has expired the red flag has not been removed then we are required by law to dispose of it and you will not receive any payment. Legislation states that we cannot under any circumstances return the item during this 28-day period unless the red flag has been removed.
    3. If we become aware of any issues you will be required to cooperate with the authorities and we reserve the right to withhold or cancel the payment.
    4. If you have received payment from us for an item which we subsequently become aware of an issue relating to ownership, you agree to immediately reimburse us in full, within 72 hours following a written request by us.
    5. We may disclose your details to the Police or other authorized bodies (such as, but not limited to, retailers and insurance companies) for the purpose of investigating or preventing a crime. By entering into this contract you agree to us supplying data for the purpose of the prevention and detection of crime, arrest and prosecution of offenders or for the recovery of stolen property.
  7. Postage and Packaging

    1. Delivery of items is your responsibility. We do not accept any responsibility until the item is received by ourselves regardless of shipping option used.
    2. It is your responsibility to ensure that the item(s) being shipped to us have adequate insurance coverage and no compensation will be offered by Wingpay for any items lost or damaged in transit
    3. All items must be packaged in a secure manner as we accept any responsibility for any item being lost and/or damaged in transit.
    4. Deliveries should all be sent to the address marked in your order confirmation using the related order number.
    5. We advise taking a note of any unique identification number for the item (Serial numbers, IMEI numbers etc) before shipping the item in case the packaging is damaged in transit and we are unable to allocate to your order.
  8. Payment

    1. We shall pay you the Price to your nominated account, or if activated your E-money Account. We will pay the Price to you when we buy the Product from you in accordance with the Terms.
    2. We will be entitled to cancel the transaction if the Product has not arrived within fourteen (14) days from the date you clicked "Confirm Sale". The time frame may only be extended at our sole discretion.
    3. If the Product is delivered to us in accordance with paragraph 3.3 but we determine that it does not reflect the description and details you submitted to us or the key assumptions, we will notify you via the App that there is a discrepancy. We reserve the right to alter the final amount that we credit your E-money account with and cancel the sale.
    4. Providing the item matches our terms and conditions and the item was received before 12pm we will transfer funds on a same day transfer. Please note that payments can only be made Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm (excluding public holidays).
    5. Same-day payment may be impacted in events out of our control.
    6. Payment is issued on the basis of details provided by the Customer and shall not be liable for payment made to the wrong account due to incorrect details being provided by You.
  9. Termination

    1. You may terminate your account at any time via our platforms or by emailing us at
  10. Complaints

    1. We value our relationship with you. In the unlikely event that you have any complaints about how we have dealt with you and/or your account, please contact us at and we will take every effort to resolve the matter for you:
  11. Changes to these Terms

    1. We may need to change these Terms from time to time:
      • Changes to the Terms will be posted on our website and updated on our App. We will notify you of any material changes to our Terms by sending you an email with details of the change or notifying you of a change next time you log into your account following a change to these Terms. Changes to the Terms of use will be effective immediately to any future Products you sell to us. If you do not agree to changes to these Terms you can cease using the Wingpay service. Your continued use of the Wingpay service will be deemed to constitute your acceptance of all of the new terms. These Terms of use may not otherwise be changed without our written consent.
    2. Transfer of rights and obligations:
      • We shall be entitled to transfer our rights and/or obligations under these Terms to another party. Any such transfer will not reduce your rights under these Terms. You may not transfer any of your rights or obligations under these Terms without our written consent.
    3. Waiver and severability:
      • If either you or we ignore any breach of these Terms, it does not mean that any further breach cannot be enforced. Similarly, if any part of these Terms turns out to be invalid or unenforceable for some reason, then it will be replaced with a provision which, as far as possible, achieves the same purpose as the original, and the remainder of the Terms will still be binding.

Wing Group Ltd. Registered in England number 15379476. Registered Office: 69 Wilson Street, London, EC2A 2BB Date: 8th February 2024

© 2024 Wing Group LTD